Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sun Day

It's a perfect Sunday to bask in the sunshine. Husband Bob and I have also enjoyed relaxing in the backyard. Jasmine and Maggie are in the photo together and the other photo is of Annie. Annie is fitting in very well with the pack. She's spending more time in the same room as Bob and me and she seems to like our other dogs.

Bob has always been good about picking up after himself so I didn't know why his underwear was scattered here and there. The mystery's been solved - Annie sorted the clothes on the floor in front of the washing machine, selected Bob's and moved them to other parts of the house. Why men's undies?

Yesterday Robyn and Bolt went to their new homes. The puppies are going to do just fine and I feel good about their new people. Oreo's the only puppy left so it's much quieter around here now. Oreo seemed a little lost without his brother and sister yesterday but we've kept him busy today and he's doing fine. Annie has adjusted well to her puppies leaving. She's spending less and less time in her corner.

Remember that one of the puppies was named after The Telegraph reporter who covered the story about the puppy mill where Annie came from? Mark-the-puppy was adopted by Mark-the-reporter and now goes by Junior. Friday Junior came back to visit and it was fun to see him again. Mark-the-reporter is planning a follow-up story about the puppy mill. I hope the story will talk about all the reasons to not buy pets from circumstances a person hasn't investigated thouroughly. We have to put bad breeders out of business! Choose rescue first. :)

1 comment:

  1. Happy Monday!! I am sure Husband Bob really appreciates you sharing the undies mystery with the world. That goes to show everyone what a great guy you married a few years back!

    A big YAHOO to Reporter Mark for his interest and concern for rescue dogs and their people. This is a great way to get the word out against puppy mills. Let us know when his article hits the paper.

    Thanks, Jo & Bob, and all rescuers for the wonderful (and needed) work you do!!!
