Monday, February 21, 2011

The Picture

Below is a picture that was taken at the dog park Sunday. The night before, along with thunder and lightening, we received rain. Rain in February turns everything to ice when the temperature is only 15 degrees. If you look closely at the picture below you'll see the tree limb is covered in a coat of ice. Rain and ice didn't interfere with the dogs enjoying their dog-given right to romp in the park.
The Dog Farm population grew to seven as we welcomed Kirby and Harley for the weekend. It was nice to have the additional fun and fur with us.

Winter Bliss at the Dog Park

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Check Up

Jasmine went to the veterinarian for a check up on Monday. The tumor is a little bigger and has moved to the roof of her mouth too. The vet checked lymph nodes and lungs and they are good. The vet is very pleased with how Jas acts and described her as looking "absolutely wonderful!" No signs of discomfort so we all are just enjoying life on the dog farm.
When we arrived home from the vet all the dogs smelled Jasmine and were very curious about where she had been. Of course, Jasmine got a treat for going to the vet - and the others got a treat for greeting us at the door.
Yesterday's 50 degrees was such a relief from last week's below zero days. Almost all the snow is melted so there is a lot of mud. Not all the mud's in the backyard. There is a lot in the kitchen, sunroom, dining room, everywhere. Dozens of mud prints all over the floor! The paw prints range from little Pennie-size to large Jas-size.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

It's a Dog's Life

There have been lots of smells at the dog park the past week. Labs Jasmine and Maggie are in their glory chasing scents. A couple days ago, as we left the park something caught the dogs' eyes. There was no stopping them since I was negligent in putting leashes on to go to the Jeep. Running and yelping they raced to the west. A few seconds later they came running back toward me and a rabbit was leading the pack! Thankfully, the rabbit was safe but the dogs were giving their all! When they finally returned they were so tired they were hardly able to jump into the Jeep. I'm sure they enjoyed a reenactment of the chase in their dreams that night.

Dog Park Friend Garry sold his camper shell for a little extra cash. He left three $100 bills on the chair but when it was time to go to the bank he couldn't fine his money. It was nowhere to be found. Garry tore his house apart looking but the money was gone. Gone. A couple days later, the mystery was solved when Garry found his missing cash in the backyard. German Shepherd Gage and Bloodhound Mystic had eaten $300! Little pieces of green were in dog piles around the backyard! Garry said he wanted to be upset but all he could do was laugh! (He said he'll never make the same mistake again.)