Sunday, September 19, 2010

A Hard Days Night

Don't tell Husband Bob he's been caught napping! As you can see by the photo, Bob and Brandy were recharging after a hard weekend at the Dog Farm. Actually, the weekend consisted of taste testing homemade dog treats, trips to the Bark Park, watching the Broncos on TV and other strenuous activities.

For several weeks I've been trying to find a home for a dear cat at the local animal shelter. Friday the shelter said Big Boy and numerous other cats and kittens would be sent to farms later that day because the shelter was full. My desperate, last-second phone call turned out perfectly. As the story was told to me, Friend Laurie called a couple who was hoping to find a long-haired gray cat to fill the void of their cat who died. Big Boy wasn't the cat they wanted but they went to see him just to make Laurie happy. The couple's other cat hadn't liked the man so he didn't expect much from Big Boy either. Arriving at the shelter, the couple sat down on the floor and Big Boy was let out of his cage. Big Boy strolled past the lady, climbed up the man's chest, purred like a song, rubbed on the man's shoulder and looked like, 'What are we waiting for? Let's go home!' The latest report is that everyone is doing great and Big Boy found his forever family!

My next blog I'll have to tell you about a bunch of girls beating up on the police and firefighters!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Baby and Cat

Baby, the Boston terrier, and Cat, the kitten, are best friends. Cat joined the family when she was two months old and Baby was two years old. The first night in her new home, Cat cuddled up next to Baby and started suckling. Baby's never had a litter of puppies but she let Cat suck. This nightly ritual continued several evenings and Baby started producing milk. Picture a kitten nursing on a Boston terrier! That was 10 months ago and every night at bed time you'll find Cat contentedly nursing on Baby. Cat has grown to be bigger than Baby now. Neither the cat or dog knows, or else they don't care, that they aren't the same species. I wouldn't have believed a dog would nurse a cat but my friend has pictures and videos of Baby and Cat. It's precious how much they care about each other and are inseperable friends.

Paws-itive Partners has taken on the challenge to match $15,000 to help the local animal shelter build a quarentine area for cats and dogs arriving sick or injured. Currently, with a lack of kennels, all the animals are housed together so infection, disease and unnecessary trauma is commonplace. If Paws-itive Partners can raise the funds, there will be an area for the cats and dogs needing special care. We're fundraising through soliciting, concession stands and selling T-shirts with the "Raising the Woof" logo. Our friend the animal-loving news reporter is putting together a softball game between his girls team and the police/fire department. I'm not sure on a game date yet, but every night between now and then I'm down on my knees praying the girls can whomp the guys. What an upset and crowd pleaser that would be!

With fall comes a later sun rise so it's dark when I get up. As I'm stirring around in the morning, the dogs give me their best let's-sleep-in-look. Now, what's wrong with this picture: Jo's up and getting ready for work and five dogs are still cozied up in their beds? I suppose someone has to work to support the four-legged family!