Last week, the police seized a momma and her five puppies from an evil man in North Platte. Momma is the most emaciated, starved dog I've ever seen, so bad that even though I can't describe her condition well I'm not posting the pictures of her. I think momma was days from dying. Today, Friend Levaun and I visited the foster home where momma and her family are. Everyone is doing well. The home has children who spend time with the dogs and the dogs have a large kennel and a nice warm bed. Momma has a very long way to heal but she's content in her new surroundings. When we were there, Momma loved being petted - nudging closer when I tried to stop. The puppies are recovering from their own abuse including infected tails from the evil man cutting them off. The puppies are a beautiful brindle stripe. I'll post pictures as the puppies get old enough to adopt.
The situation with momma dog and the puppies has stirred my friends and I to a state of motion. We have been told that, even though the evil man was charged with animal abuse, he is going to fight to get the dogs back. Those of us who have seen the dogs aren't going to let that happen. We are developing a plan and we will find a way to make things right. Please, pray for momma and the puppies and the justice system.
Things at the Dog Farm are going well. This morning, out of the blue, Annie had a happy attack. She burst through the doggie door, ran through the house, up the stairs, down into the family room and to the kitchen where she plopped down. I swear, she had an ear to ear smile on her face. It was a good day to be a dog.
Jasmine is doing well. She went to the vet for a check-up last week and everything is still the same. Day by day, she's far outlasted her predicted life expectancy. :)
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