On his way through North Platte to visit our parents, Brother George stopped at the shelter to "just look." Now, who can "just look"? Anyway, George stopped, went inside, walked down the row of cages, pondered the future and thought about a dog who might fill the empty spot that dear Sasha's death left. Well, it was meant to be. The timid, lost-looking border collie who was scheduled to be euthanized walked up to George and picked him! Within minutes, the two became best friends. That day became the first day of 11 years of mutual love and devotion. George, Girlfriend Nancy and Oreo became inseparable. Oreo mountain climbed, escorted George on bike rides, hiked the Moab Desert, frolicked in Summit County's snow, white water rafted, hung out at the fire station and traveled hundreds of miles to Mexico on a sail boat. Oreo led a life of adventure. She went from a shelter to all parts of the country. Oreo's life on earth ended Thursday but her afterlife has just begun and there are lots of unexplored clouds in heaven. God bless Oreo.
Our Jasmine went for a check-up yesterday. The vet is amazed at how good Jas looks and how well she acts. Although she is still terminally ill, there's no longer an estimated time frame because Jasmine's responded so well to her medication, pampering and prayer. :)