Sunday, February 28, 2010
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Night Owls
When Sister Robin, Brother Chris, Brother George and I were kids, our parents called us Night Owls when we preferred nighttime over day. Last night there were several Night Owls at our house. The puppies were yipping and yapping into the wee hours with no sign of sleep coming. I woke up again at 2:30 and there were still noisy puppies. Poor Annie, she can't escape the puppies.
When the puppies were first born we made their bed in a plastic pool. At three weeks, the family moved into a 4' x 5' pen and by five weeks they were running all over their 7' x 9' pen. A couple days ago the puppies s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d onto their tippy toes and pull themselves over the top of the pen to freedom. We had to nail a board around the walls of the pen to keep the puppies inside when we aren't home. Dear Bob, it's been 8 weeks since he's been able to park his SUV in the garage and I haven't heard any complaining even though I know he doesn't like scraping windshields and getting into a cold vehicle every morning.
Time's passed quickly since the puppies were born 7 weeks ago. They've become independent and curious and are almost ready to go to their own homes. I caution people that when they come to pick up their puppy not to worry if they see me cry. I try not to, but the tears usually come freely. I'm sorry to let the sweethearts go but it's a happy time to know they are starting their new lives. I think my tears are a combination of joy and sadness.
I look forward to spending more one-on-one time with Annie and I know she's going to progress in socializing and confidence. Things are much better than two months ago but there is a long way to go to get Annie out from her corner. Last night Annie went into the backyard. She was afraid at first but when Jasmine, Maggie, Brandy and Pennie followed, it seemed to help. The vet estimated Annie to be four or five years old and she has a big world ahead to discover.
Yesterday at the dog park Maggie and Jas found the scent of a rabbit. They followed the trail around in the snow and really thought they were onto something. When the tracks took Maggie and Jas to the fence, (I could see where the rabbit had slipped underneath) you could see the disappointment that the wild hunt was over. It didn't last long; off to the next venture - chasing the tennis ball, rolling in the snow, sniffing butts. Oh, it's a dog's life!
When the puppies were first born we made their bed in a plastic pool. At three weeks, the family moved into a 4' x 5' pen and by five weeks they were running all over their 7' x 9' pen. A couple days ago the puppies s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d onto their tippy toes and pull themselves over the top of the pen to freedom. We had to nail a board around the walls of the pen to keep the puppies inside when we aren't home. Dear Bob, it's been 8 weeks since he's been able to park his SUV in the garage and I haven't heard any complaining even though I know he doesn't like scraping windshields and getting into a cold vehicle every morning.
Time's passed quickly since the puppies were born 7 weeks ago. They've become independent and curious and are almost ready to go to their own homes. I caution people that when they come to pick up their puppy not to worry if they see me cry. I try not to, but the tears usually come freely. I'm sorry to let the sweethearts go but it's a happy time to know they are starting their new lives. I think my tears are a combination of joy and sadness.
I look forward to spending more one-on-one time with Annie and I know she's going to progress in socializing and confidence. Things are much better than two months ago but there is a long way to go to get Annie out from her corner. Last night Annie went into the backyard. She was afraid at first but when Jasmine, Maggie, Brandy and Pennie followed, it seemed to help. The vet estimated Annie to be four or five years old and she has a big world ahead to discover.
Yesterday at the dog park Maggie and Jas found the scent of a rabbit. They followed the trail around in the snow and really thought they were onto something. When the tracks took Maggie and Jas to the fence, (I could see where the rabbit had slipped underneath) you could see the disappointment that the wild hunt was over. It didn't last long; off to the next venture - chasing the tennis ball, rolling in the snow, sniffing butts. Oh, it's a dog's life!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Six Weeks
It's been snowing in North Platte since yesterday. Husband Bob was bemoaning that we had to take Jasmine, Maggie, Brandy and Pennie to the dog park when it would be a good day to stay inside. On the way, Bob bet we'd be the only people crazy enough to be at the dog park in the snow. You know the rest...What a great time our four had with the seven other dogs frollicking and playing! I haven't collected on the bet yet.
Pennie, our Corgi loves the snow. She's less than 12" tall at her shoulders so sometimes just about all you see is her head bouncing above the snow. Pennie gets the Snow Plow Award today as she forged trails through the white stuff. Jas and Maggie rolled in the snow and made snow dogs (the canine version of snow angels). I love the dog park. It's such fun to watch the dogs playing, being out in nature and it's been fun to meet other dog-people. Most of us don't know each other by name but we know the dog's names. There's Koda, Shera, Gage, Mystic, Keegan, Maddie, Max, Dawson, Preacher and on and on.
Husband Bob and I have gotten quite use to sitting on the floor talking to Annie to help her get comfortable with us. We visit, drink our morning coffee and speak softly so Annie will come over. Yesterday Annie bravely climbed over my legs to get closer to Bob. He offered her a treat and she took it and ran back to her corner. By the end of coffee time, Annie had gone to Bob four or five times and she was letting him pet her on her head, ears and back. Today, Annie initiated play with me. Great progress!
The puppies had their 6-week check ups and shots Saturday. They're all healthy and growing and weigh from 4.6 lbs to 5.8 lbs. Elke is the only one who is spoken for and now that we've celebrated week six, it's time to get busy and look for good homes. People who get my puppies have to have them for housepets, not outside. Dogs are very sociable and they want to be inside living with their family. My puppies need a fenced yard because I'm very, very opposed to chaining dogs. It's cruelty to have a dog's world only eight feet long. All my puppies have to be spayed and neutered when they are old enough. I believe the only way to stop animal overpopulation and unnecessary euthanizing is by spaying and neutering. Besides not having to reproduce, altered pets live longer lives and there are some cancers they absolutely cannot get.
If any of you blog friends are interested in one of our puppies please let me know. I need help finding good homes and I'd love to visit about the puppies.
Pennie, our Corgi loves the snow. She's less than 12" tall at her shoulders so sometimes just about all you see is her head bouncing above the snow. Pennie gets the Snow Plow Award today as she forged trails through the white stuff. Jas and Maggie rolled in the snow and made snow dogs (the canine version of snow angels). I love the dog park. It's such fun to watch the dogs playing, being out in nature and it's been fun to meet other dog-people. Most of us don't know each other by name but we know the dog's names. There's Koda, Shera, Gage, Mystic, Keegan, Maddie, Max, Dawson, Preacher and on and on.
Husband Bob and I have gotten quite use to sitting on the floor talking to Annie to help her get comfortable with us. We visit, drink our morning coffee and speak softly so Annie will come over. Yesterday Annie bravely climbed over my legs to get closer to Bob. He offered her a treat and she took it and ran back to her corner. By the end of coffee time, Annie had gone to Bob four or five times and she was letting him pet her on her head, ears and back. Today, Annie initiated play with me. Great progress!
The puppies had their 6-week check ups and shots Saturday. They're all healthy and growing and weigh from 4.6 lbs to 5.8 lbs. Elke is the only one who is spoken for and now that we've celebrated week six, it's time to get busy and look for good homes. People who get my puppies have to have them for housepets, not outside. Dogs are very sociable and they want to be inside living with their family. My puppies need a fenced yard because I'm very, very opposed to chaining dogs. It's cruelty to have a dog's world only eight feet long. All my puppies have to be spayed and neutered when they are old enough. I believe the only way to stop animal overpopulation and unnecessary euthanizing is by spaying and neutering. Besides not having to reproduce, altered pets live longer lives and there are some cancers they absolutely cannot get.
If any of you blog friends are interested in one of our puppies please let me know. I need help finding good homes and I'd love to visit about the puppies.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Family Pictures
Aren't the photos of Annie's puppies darling? I know I'm bragging but I can't help it! My attempt to get a family portrait was only partially successful. I thought a basket of puppies would be a good picture but after getting two or three puppies in I could see it wasn't large enough for the growing family. Besides the basket picture, the other puppies are Duck, Softie and Robin.
Daughter Molly and Friends Barb and Matt visited for the 3-day weekend. At first I was a bit nervous of what having company would do to Annie, but I shouldn't have worried. Molly, Barb and Matt took extra time to focus on Annie and they spent literally hours sitting on the floor speaking softly to her. In the end, Annie responded. By Sunday afternoon, Annie came out from her corner for a few seconds at a time. There were a few times Annie let Molly pet her. Once she leaned up next to Barb and several times Matt was able to give her a treat from his hand.
Molly said she got so angry every time she looked at Annie. I didn't understand. Molly explained that she didn't know why anyone would treat a dog so badly as to cause the emotional pain Annie's suffered. I agree! It's sickening to think that a person could intentionally harm a living being the way the animals at the dog/puppy mill were.
Neighbors Cathy and Doug brought their family to meet the puppies Sunday. It was fun to see everyone doting over the puppies just like I do. Puppy Elka has found a new home and will be moving in with her new family in two or three weeks. I hadn't met Mary before Sunday but knowing she is a relative of Cathy and Doug's makes me very happy that Elka will be going to her.
Daughter Molly and Friends Barb and Matt visited for the 3-day weekend. At first I was a bit nervous of what having company would do to Annie, but I shouldn't have worried. Molly, Barb and Matt took extra time to focus on Annie and they spent literally hours sitting on the floor speaking softly to her. In the end, Annie responded. By Sunday afternoon, Annie came out from her corner for a few seconds at a time. There were a few times Annie let Molly pet her. Once she leaned up next to Barb and several times Matt was able to give her a treat from his hand.
Molly said she got so angry every time she looked at Annie. I didn't understand. Molly explained that she didn't know why anyone would treat a dog so badly as to cause the emotional pain Annie's suffered. I agree! It's sickening to think that a person could intentionally harm a living being the way the animals at the dog/puppy mill were.
Neighbors Cathy and Doug brought their family to meet the puppies Sunday. It was fun to see everyone doting over the puppies just like I do. Puppy Elka has found a new home and will be moving in with her new family in two or three weeks. I hadn't met Mary before Sunday but knowing she is a relative of Cathy and Doug's makes me very happy that Elka will be going to her.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Friday, February 12, 2010
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Dead Bed
Daughter Molly brought home a nice new bed for the dogs at Christmas time. Clean, fluffy and, oh, so soft. What in the world happened today?! Brandy wasn't alone in her destruction. Corgi Pennie was chewing on the bed too but she's camera shy and ran when I went into the room.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
I didn't realize others had noticed how hard it's been to see Annie and the puppies struggling with their health problems until a friend told me I looked more rested and happier this week. Yes, I feel more rested and am definitely happier but I didn't know it was so obvious. All the fur-children are thriving! Annie and the puppies have huge appetites and you can almost see the puppies growing by the minute.
Annie is still very timid but we're making progress. This evening I got her to play a brief game of tug-of-war. Her tail was wagging and she seemed to be having fun before she ended the game. As I've been writing this, Annie's come into the family room to see what I'm doing. Her trips in are more frequent now, but she never stays more than 30 seconds or so. This last time in, Annie picked up Brandy's chew toy and took the toy back to her hiding place.
A friend asked the names of our puppies and it occurred to me that I've not listed everyone. The puppies' official names are Duck, Elka, Mark, Robin, Oreo, Sprout, Softie and Bolt. :)
You've probably seen the pictures of litters posed on the park bench or puppies lined up at their dishes eating. How can anyone photograph so many puppies at one time? I've tried and tried to get Annie's babies in one photo and it cannot be done! Eight puppies going in eight different directions. I haven't given up though and my hope is to get a picture of the whole family onto the dogblog.
Annie is still very timid but we're making progress. This evening I got her to play a brief game of tug-of-war. Her tail was wagging and she seemed to be having fun before she ended the game. As I've been writing this, Annie's come into the family room to see what I'm doing. Her trips in are more frequent now, but she never stays more than 30 seconds or so. This last time in, Annie picked up Brandy's chew toy and took the toy back to her hiding place.
A friend asked the names of our puppies and it occurred to me that I've not listed everyone. The puppies' official names are Duck, Elka, Mark, Robin, Oreo, Sprout, Softie and Bolt. :)
You've probably seen the pictures of litters posed on the park bench or puppies lined up at their dishes eating. How can anyone photograph so many puppies at one time? I've tried and tried to get Annie's babies in one photo and it cannot be done! Eight puppies going in eight different directions. I haven't given up though and my hope is to get a picture of the whole family onto the dogblog.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Four Weeks Today
Annie's puppies were born four weeks ago today. In four weeks, the wee ones have gone from weighing just a few ounces and being totally helpless to weighing 2-3 pounds and becoming inquisitive, active puppies. The puppies are toddling around, climbing and yip-yapping to be held. Annie is spending less time with the puppies and is walking away when they want to nurse. The puppies are drinking formula and their teeth are starting to come in.
Annie and her family has dealt with health problems the past month but I think that is all behind us now. Annie's a wonderful dog and she's a very good mother. She's gained some confidence in herself but there's still a long way to go. Friend Nancy visited Friday and Annie hid the whole time. It was just too scary to come out to meet someone new. Annie's world was very small before she came into ours. I remember that the vet said we might not see noticeable improvement for six months. I think Annie's ahead of schedule.
The pictures you've seen on dogblog the past few days are of Mark, Robin and Sprout. Aren't they adorable?
Annie and her family has dealt with health problems the past month but I think that is all behind us now. Annie's a wonderful dog and she's a very good mother. She's gained some confidence in herself but there's still a long way to go. Friend Nancy visited Friday and Annie hid the whole time. It was just too scary to come out to meet someone new. Annie's world was very small before she came into ours. I remember that the vet said we might not see noticeable improvement for six months. I think Annie's ahead of schedule.
The pictures you've seen on dogblog the past few days are of Mark, Robin and Sprout. Aren't they adorable?
Friday, February 5, 2010
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Catch Up
It's been a few days since I've been able to update about the Dog Farm. Like everyone else, it seems like I don't have enough hours to get everything done.
The puppies and Annie finished one of their medicines today and they have only two days left on antibiotics. At one point, we were giving the litter a total of 24 doses daily. The puppies liked the taste of one of the medications but another was awful and they squirmed and gagged and spit before finally swallowing. Most of the puppies are feeling better but three still cry a lot. It's hard to watch them hurt. The little brown puppy is officially "Robin" now. She's named after Veterinarian Robin who's taken such good care of Annie and the puppies. The added bonus is that my sister and sister-in-law are Robins too. What great namesakes Robin the Puppy has.
We took advantage of the nice weather yesterday and were at the Bark Park early. Others had the same idea and there were lots of happy people and dogs enjoying themselves. There were 14 dogs on the large dog side and three on the small dog side. What a great variety of dogs and people!
Bob is making progress with Annie starting to approach him. Is it the spoonful of ice cream last evening and the piece of steak this evening that's winning her over?
It's been a few days since I've been able to update about the Dog Farm. Like everyone else, it seems like I don't have enough hours to get everything done.
The puppies and Annie finished one of their medicines today and they have only two days left on antibiotics. At one point, we were giving the litter a total of 24 doses daily. The puppies liked the taste of one of the medications but another was awful and they squirmed and gagged and spit before finally swallowing. Most of the puppies are feeling better but three still cry a lot. It's hard to watch them hurt. The little brown puppy is officially "Robin" now. She's named after Veterinarian Robin who's taken such good care of Annie and the puppies. The added bonus is that my sister and sister-in-law are Robins too. What great namesakes Robin the Puppy has.
We took advantage of the nice weather yesterday and were at the Bark Park early. Others had the same idea and there were lots of happy people and dogs enjoying themselves. There were 14 dogs on the large dog side and three on the small dog side. What a great variety of dogs and people!
Bob is making progress with Annie starting to approach him. Is it the spoonful of ice cream last evening and the piece of steak this evening that's winning her over?
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